Friday, May 20, 2011

Don’t Let Stress Shorten Your Life – Learn How to Keep Stress Away

Stress is a killer, quite literally! When you are under stress, your body releases hormones that slowly, but surely damage your body and mind. In other words, stress can eat you alive.

So, what can you do to minimize stress in your life? First, try not to sweat the little things. If someone cuts you off in traffic, wave and let them go, it may take you an extra minute or two to get where you are going, but is it worth getting upset about? Learning to let the little annoyances of life flow past you will dramatically reduce your stress levels.

Make time for yourself. I know you have heard this over and over. There’s a good reason for that, it really is important. Everyone is busy, but the most productive people are the ones who know when they need to take a break. They are the ones who make time in their lives to take care of themselves. They find time everyday to do something that makes them feel good. In the long run, they are more productive as they can truly focus when they are at work. They also tend to be healthier, so they lose less time at work due to illness.

Learn how to slow down, even just a little bit. Look out the window and be amazed by the scene just beyond your walls. Really look at people when they are talking to you. Listen with your eyes and your heart as well as your ears. Smile, it takes only a moment and it really does make you feel better, and if someone sees you smile, it might just change their day as well!

Find things that you really enjoy doing and make time to do them regularly. If you like walking, take a walk every evening after dinner. If you enjoy singing, join a choir. If you enjoy growing things, get some plants and watch them grow. These things don’t take a huge commitment of your time, but they will make a difference in your attitude about life.

Be grateful for the things you have, rather than concentrating on what you don’t have. Take a moment every day to give thanks for being alive, the people who share your life, seeing the sun rise again.

Yoga is a great way to get rid of stress and feel better, inside and out! Seek out a beginner’s yoga class or even check out a couple of videos from the library. One of the gifts of yoga is better breathing. When you breathe well, you give your body more oxygen to work with, which helps repair the damage caused by stress.

If you only have few minutes, try this breathing exercise. It has been proven to regulate your blood pressure (which rises when you are under stress). Sit comfortably; this can be at your desk, on the floor or in a chair (try to find a fairly straight chair, as you want to sit up straight and tall.) Sit in your chair with your feet planted firmly on the ground. If you are sitting on the floor, feel your sit bones making contact with the earth beneath you. Let your hands rest palms up on your thighs and gently close your eyes. Take a couple of normal breaths. Then inhale to a count of two and exhale to a count of four. Do this for 10-20 rounds of breath. If you become dizzy, light headed or start to feel anxious, stop immediately and try again at another time.

Once you have mastered breathing to a count of two and four, try increasing your inhalations to a count of three and your exhalations to a count of six. Keep your exhalations twice as long as your inhalations. Over time, this form of breathing will help to regulate your blood pressure, will help your body rid itself of toxins and will calm your body and your mind.

It takes only a few minutes a day, but the benefits of yoga can help you live a longer, healthier life.

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