Sunday, May 29, 2011

فيديو نادر لعبد الباسط وهو يبكي من خشية الله ويتماسك

الأخلاق والحرية

فيلم لبناني باسم "هلب" يثير مشكلة هذه الأيام في لبنان. الفيلم مصنف للكبار فقط وفيه تظهر ممثلة عارية. الممثلة المشار إليها تنتمي لعائلة سياسية. تم منع عرض الفيلم بعد التصريح بعرضه. الأسباب الحقيقية التي دعت لتغيير موقف الرقابة من الفيلم غير معروفة. البعض يرى أن قرار المنع جاء بعد تعيين رقيب جديد له رؤية تختلف عن سابقه. البعض الآخر يرى أن منع الفيلم إنما حدث لأسباب سياسية غير واضحة. ربما تم منع الفيلم لحماية السمعة السياسية لعائلة الممثلة بطلة المشاهد موضوع الخلاف، أو ربما لتركيز الجدل ولفت الانتباه للعائلة نفسها بغرض الإضرار بها بعد أن وصل الأمر إلى ساحات المحاكم وصفحات الجرائد.

متابعة الجدل الذي أثاره منع الفيلم تبين الاختلاط والتداخل الشديد بين قضايا الحرية والفن والسياسة. كثير من المعلقين الذين أدلوا برأيهم في القضية لم يترددوا في ربط المشاهد المثيرة للجدل بالانتماء السياسي لعائلة الممثلة. الاتهامات بالإباحية والتفريط وإفساد الشباب والانسحاق أمام الحضارة الغربية والاستسلام للاستعمار جاوزت نطاق الفيلم لتطال الموقف السياسي لتكتل سياسي بكامله. أغلب المتدخلين أكدوا على الصلة القوية بين قضايا الفن والسياسة. كثير منهم لم يقبل بمبدأ المسئولية الفردية واستنتج أشياء تتعلق بكتلة سياسية كاملة بسبب الصلة العائلية بين أحد أعضاء هذه الكتلة وبطلة الفيلم موضوع الخلاف.

المواقف الذي عبر عنها المتجادلون تشير إلى نمط القيم والمبادئ الأخلاقية السائدة في مجتمعاتنا العربية. أتفهم كل الحجج المؤيدة للحرية الفردية وحرية التعبير. أتفهم أيضا كل الحجج المؤيدة للحفاظ على القيم الثقافية والأخلاقية المميزة لشعوبنا. كثير مما يمكن للتيارات التقدمية والتحررية أن تقدمه لشعوبنا يضيع في زحمة الجدل حول المواقف التي يتبناها أنصار هذه التيارات بشأن قضايا تتعلق بالحريات الفردية وحرية التعبير. الوقوف عند شجرة الحريات الفردية وحرية التعبير في أكثر صورها تطرفا لا يسمح لمجتمعاتنا بالدخول إلى حدائق الحرية والتقدم التي تعد بها التيارات التقدمية والتحررية. القيم المحافظة السائدة في مجتمعاتنا لا تسمح لها بتجاوز هذه الشجرة التي يراها الناس في بلادنا مركزا للهوية الثقافة والخصوصية الحضارية. المحافظون والتحرريون في بلادنا يختزلون قضايا الحرية والتقدم في جسد عار يظهر في فيلم لثوان معدودة، أو في ملابس كاشفة ترتديها بعض النساء.

ليس من المتوقع للتيارات المحافظة في بلادنا التخلي عن هذا الاختزال الفج فمصالحها تتحقق من ورائه. تخويف المجتمع وإثارة فزعه من الانحلال والتهتك هو الرسالة الأكثر فعالية للمحافظين لتعزيز مواقعهم في المجتمع. باختصار، ليس لدى المحافظين مشكلة إنما المشكلة كلها تقع في حجر التقدميين والتحرريين وعليهم التعامل بفعالية وإيجابية مع هذا التحدي. الإفراط في التركيز على حرية الجسد يقف حائلا بين تيارات التقدم والتحرر والوصول إلى قطاعات أوسع من المجتمع. على أنصار هذه التيارات ترتيب أولوياتهم بشكل يسمح لهم بتجاوز هذا النوع من الجدل حتى يسهلوا على مجتمعاتهم وعلى أنفسهم الدخول للعالم الرحب للحرية والتقدم. على أنصار التحرر والتقدم التواصل مع مجمعاتهم على جسر دعائمه القيم المعتدلة حتى يستطيعوا توصيله إلى عالم الحرية الرحب. قدر من الوعي الذاتي والجماعي، ولا أقول الرقابة الذاتية والجماعية، يكفي أنصار التقدم والحرية لتحقيق المعادلة.

المصدر: عمود "نظرة" ـ جريدة نهضة مصر ـ القاهرة
التاريخ: 01 مارس 

Arab Leaders قادة العرب

الحمد لله انعقدت قمة العرب. مع أن الانعقاد الدوري للقمة لم يعد يجعل مجرد انعقاد القمة إنجازا هائلا كما كان الحال قبل تسعة أعوام، إلا أن عالم العرب الذي تتوقع فيه أي شيء يجعل من مجرد تنفيذ ما سبق الاتفاق عليه إنجازا كبيرا يستحق الاحتفاء.

القمم العربية في أغلب الأحيان تسودها إجراءات وقرارات معلبة سابقة التجهيز. لكن في القمم العربية دائما ما يبعث على الإثارة ويكون سببا في التسلية. مصدر الإثارة يأتي عادة من قادة عرب يعشقون لفت الأنظار بالإتيان بغريب التصرفات. العقيد القذافي لم يغير عادته فكان مصدر الإثارة الأكبر في القمة العربية. ملابس قائد الثورة الليبية الفريدة يترقب العرب تصميماتها المميزة في كل مناسبة عامة يشارك فيها الأخ العقيد. مقاطعة العقيد القذافي لكلمة أمير قطر للرد على كلمات وجهها له العاهل السعودي قبل سنوات في قمة الجزائر كانت هي الحدث الأكثر إثارة في القمة. ما ظننا أنه انتقاد علني وجهه القائد القذافي لخادم الحرمين الشريفين تبين أنه عتاب رقيق يمهد لمصالحة.

الرئيس اليمني غادر القمة غاضبا قبل جلستها الختامية احتجاجا على عدم وضع وجهة نظر بلاده في إصلاح مؤسسات العمل العربي المشترك ضمن جدول أعمال القمة. أتيحت لي فرصة الإطلاع على المشروع اليمني الذي سبق للبرلمان العربي تبنيه ولم أجد فيه أفكارا قادرة على استنهاض العمل العربي من أزمته، ولا شيئا يمنع العرب من طرحه على جدول أعمال قمتهم ، ولا شيئا يستحق إثارة غضب الرئيس اليمني بسبب عدم طرح الأفكار اليمنية على القمة.

تم اختصار أعمال القمة العربية إلى يوم واحد بدلا من يومين. القائمون على تنظيم القمة كانوا متشوقون لعقدها للفوز بالشرف، بقدر ما كانوا متشوقون لإنهائها بسرعة تجنبا لمزيد من الإثارة التي قد تصل فيها جرعة التسلية إلى مستوى الحرج. التسلية والإثارة التي يتوقعها العرب عندما تنعقد قمة تجمع قادتهم غير مألوف في مناطق العالم الأخرى. هناك شيء فريد في القادة العرب يجعل بينهم عددا لا بأس به من القادة الذين يحبون التصرف بطريقة مثيرة للجدل. لا بد أنك لاحظت أن بين قادة العرب نسبة كبيرة من القادة الذي وصلوا للحكم عبر انقلابات عسكرية. قائمة الرؤساء الانقلابيين تضم رؤساء ليبيا واليمن وموريتانيا وقطر والسودان. لا أظن أنه من قبيل المصادفة أن القادة العرب الذي وصلوا للحكم في بلادهم عن طريق الانقلاب العسكري هم أنفسهم مثيري الجدل وأسباب الإثارة والتسلية في قمم العرب. قادة الانقلابات ليسوا أشخاص أو قادة عاديين يحترمون المؤسسات والقواعد المتبعة. الانقلابات تطورات غير عادية في تاريخ الأمم، والقادة الانقلابيون قادة فوق العادة في تاريخ بلادهم. إنهم من النوع الذي لا يتورع عن الإتيان بنادر التصرفات في بلادهم وفي الإقليم أيضا. الانقلابيون مغامرون لا يخشون ركوب المخاطر لا في بلادهم ولا في العلاقات مع جيرانهم. جانب كبير من تفسير السياسات والتصرفات المثيرة للجدل لكثير من القادة العرب ليس له كثير علاقة بالسياسة بقدر ما له علاقة بطبيعة شخصيات القادة وما فيها من عناصر خارقة للعادة.

المصدر: عمود "نظرة" ـ جريدة نهضة مصر ـ القاهرة
التاريخ: 01 أبريل 2009

Very nice Recitation of the Holy Quranقران كريم بصوت جميل جدا ومؤثر - الجزء الاول

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stem cells use in the future

Ideally a properly funded national stem cell depository would allow unfettered access for parents to a stem cell transplant if needed now or in the future. Unfortunately parents come to us because that is not an option for them: there are no widespread facilities to donate samples that would be stored by stem cells storage experts.

Some of the potential therapies of stem cells would require amplification of samples (technically possible now), raising the possibility of multiple uses within a family unit. There is now so much research being undertaken and reported we frequently find ourselves contradicting patients that it is not a panacea and that much of the research has many years before therapies arise from the work.

Areas which are rapidly gathering scientific credibility as therapies of the future that would involve stem cell collection and storage include organ engineering and repair and neurological damage repair, as well as Diabetes. Its widespread use for certain malignancies is currently not recommended. However, there is every possibility that this scenario will change. We feel that cord blood stem cell storage will have a growing therapeutic role in the short future.

We feel strongly that private cord blood storage should be offered with full counselling of the risks, limitations and benefits as part of an informed consent process, but also that women are entitled to have access to information to allow them to make this decision based on unbiased factual information about stem cells and cord blood collection.

Back pain relief methods

When it comes to dealing with painful sensations in the back, those who have experienced it will tell you that back pain seriously affects nearly all the aspects of everyday life. So when you start experiencing painful sensations in the back, you will certainly start looking for effective ways to relieve them. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there suffering from back pain, and it's not a matter of age, sex or professional occupation - anyone can have problems with their back that seriously affect routine activities. That's why it is important to know what measures can be taken to deal with back pain effectively. Of course, there are numerous solutions and drugs to consider. However, by following a simple plan you will be able to address the problem rapidly and effectively. Here are the steps you should take if you experience pain in the back:

Step 1 - Define the cause

While there are a lot of people suffering from different forms of back pain, quite few of them actually take the time to identify the cause of the problem. Experiencing pain in the back frequently should ring a bell in your mind and make you visit a doctor. By identifying the actual cause it will be much easier to choose the right pain relief option in your situation.

Step 2 - Relieve the pain

There are different ways to do this. You can go to a therapist, take a massage or use painkiller drugs like Tramadol. Either option you choose, you have to make sure that it effectively helps relieving back pain. If you're using drugs like Tramadol you have to know the possible side effects and drug interactions in order to avoid them while taking the drug.

Step 3 - Learn muscle balance

When there's improper distribution of force in the muscles of your back this often leads to painful sensations in the region. So you have to learn how to keep proper balance in your back, and start exercising if necessary in order to make sure that pressure is distributed throughout the muscles evenly.

Step 4 - Spine and pelvis realignment

This technique usually requires a specialist to perform. However it may be the perfect solution, especially if you're experiencing back pain on a regular basis. If the spine and pelvis are not aligned the bodyweight is not distributed in the proper manner and your own weight can cause painful sensations. So go see a doctor and ask if realignment is what you need.

Step 5 - Escape the pain cycle

Your everyday habits may be the cause of your back pain problems. Things like your posture when walking or sitting, your activity level, habits like smoking and even the food you eat can all contribute to painful sensations in the back without you noticing it. So take a closer look at your lifestyle and make the necessary changes in order to escape the pain cycle.

Step 6 - Re-evaluate your health

back pain may be a sign of a more serious health condition that you don't know about yet. So if you experience back pain on occasion, you should think about your health and go to a medical check-up. Even if you're perfectly healthy and physically active this doesn't mean that your health is limitless and you don't need evaluation.

Types of Anxiety Attack Medication

There are a variety of anxiety attack medications and they shouldn’t be taken without the advice of your doctor or another medical professional. Many Americans are plagued by the serious problem of anxiety attacks and there are many proper ways to deal with them. Some take the therapeutic route and go to a mental health professional while other take medications prescribed by a doctor for the pharmaceutical route. The medical form of anxiety attack medication is discussed in this article.

Drug Classes

To treat anxiety attacks there are a few traditional drug classes. These drug classes include Azapirones, Benzodiazepines, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, Tricyclic Antidepressants and other selections of antidepressants. Benzodiazepine is the most commonly prescribed medication types and the most effect drug to treat anxiety attack sufferers. The particular drug type most commonly prescribed in Alprazolam. This is also a anxiety attack medication type known as beta blockers.

The physical symptoms of panic and anxiety attacks are successfully helped by beta blockers. To prevent the rapid heartbeat, shaking and trembling related symptoms these medications are typically prescribed. There are also fewer side effects with beta blockers than any other form of medication. However, sleep related issues such as nightmares and insomnia can be caused by beta blockers. Since beta blockers don’t actually cure the anxiety attack many health care professionals suggest against them.

Another popular class of drugs for the treatment of panic attack symptoms is Tricyclic Antidepressants. Types of Tricyclic Antidepressants include Tofranil, Nortriptyline and Venlafaxine. In addition to panic attacks these medications are also used in the treatment of obsession disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder and severe depression. Side effects such as loss of sex drive, trouble urinating, erectile dysfunction and disturbed sleep patterns are the most common with medications of this type. Sometimes the side effects of anxiety attack medication can be worse than the actual problem for some patients.

Benzodiazepines are also worth mentioning briefly. Each case is different with this drug, some take it in a single dose while other take them for several years. However, this medication claims that in seventy to eighty percent of the users it solves anxiety symptoms. The main issues with benzodiazepine is that the drug pamphlet states anxiety can actually be caused by this drug.

If you plan on taking a medication for anxiety it is best to research it first and talk with a medical professional. There are often side effects with these medications that are worse than the actual anxiety attacks. When taking these drugs you should take care to learn what you should do about the medication.

Natural Remedies for Depression

Major depression is a serious medical illness affecting 10 to 14 million adults. It involves disturbances in mood, concentration, sleep, activity level, interests, appetite, and social behavior. Depression can develop in anyone, regardless of race, culture, social class, age, or gender. Many people suffering from depression are not aware that there are natural remedies for depression that are a safe and effective alternative to psychiatric medication. Lifestyle changes such as dietary modifications, stress reduction and exercise can also have a positive effect on depression symptoms.

Causes of Depression

Depression can be triggered by traumatic life events, poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, blood sugar imbalances, allergies, medical illness, lack of exercise, drug and alcohol use, and digestive difficulties. These triggers are known to cause or contribute to neurotransmitter imbalances and depletion.

Finding the cause of depression means addressing the biochemistry of the brain. This can require testing such as Neurotransmitter testing, blood chemistry panels, thyroid and hormone testing.

Proven Natural Depression Remedies

Targeted Amino Acid Therapy (TAAT)
Targeted Amino Acid Therapy or TAAT is designed to address neurotransmitter deficiencies or imbalances. Neurotransmitters are synthesized from various amino acid precursors. Serotonin, for example, is synthesized from 5-HTP, and oral doses of 5-HTP have been shown to significantly elevate serotonin levels.

A non-invasive neurotransmitter lab test is available to measure your neurotransmitter and hormones levels. This test will determine which neurotransmitters are too high or to low. If an imbalance is present targeted amino acid therapy can help bring them back into balance thereby reducing or eliminating symptoms such as anxiety or depression. The program uses a combination of specific amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that will increase your body’s production of neurotransmitters. These formulas can be used alone or in conjunction with other therapies your practitioner may prescribe. The right balance of these chemicals can set the stage for restoring your health. You brain and nervous system will once again send strong signals to the rest of your body.


5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid. It is found in high concentrations in the brain and acts as a building block for the brain to make serotonin. 5-HTP may work synergistically with certain nutritional supplements to support mood. This nutritive amino acid may also support a healthy sleep cycle. Serotonin is involved in mood regulation, sleep, and appetite control.


L-Carnitine is an amino acid that has been reported to safely alleviate depression in some people in doses of 1000 mg twice a day. Acetyl-L-carnitine is a form of carnitine that has shown superior absorption effects to regular L-carnitine.


L-Tryptophan is the precursor to Serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, which is deficient in depression. L-Tryptophan is a natural relaxant and helps alleviate insomnia by inducing normal sleep. L-Tryptophan reduces anxiety & depression; helps in the treatment of migraine headaches; helps the immune system; helps reduce the risk of artery & heart spasms.


SAM-e is involved in more than 35 biochemical reactions involving enzymatic transmethylation. Methylation is the process by which the body rids itself of compounds, synthesizes neurotransmitters, makes components of cartilage, regulates enzyme activity within the cell, and maintains the flexibility of cell membranes. Serotonin and other brain chemicals require methylation to be synthesized. SAM-e promotes healthy joint function and comfort, boosts mood and emotional well-being. The suggested dose of SAMe to treat depression ranges from 400-1600 mg a day.

St. John’s Wort

Numerous scientific studies have addressed the effectiveness and safety of standardized St. John’s Wort extract. It is thought to work by inhibiting the reuptake of dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and GABA. Hypericin extract appears to inhibit serotonin uptake by postsynaptic receptors and increase synaptic dopamine concentration. Recommended dosage 300 mg three times a day.

Natural remedies for depression can provide persons suffering with depression a safe and effective alternative to taking pharmaceutical medications or enable them to reduce the dose.

Depression Treatment - Dream Interpretation and Its Applications

You can be treated for depression at no cost by interpreting your dreams because the unconscious that produces them is constantly trying to cure your psyche and help you develop your conscience, so that you become more intelligent. The unconscious is your protector and doctor.

The messages you receive via dreams are incomprehensible to your conscience because:

1. Your anti-conscience would distort their meanings if it could understand them. It has to be completely ignored by both the sides of your conscience; however, your conscience can learn the language of the unconscious and translate its symbols, deciphering the meaning of the messages received. This is a translation from images to words.

2. The ego is in the center of your conscience and it doesn't accept the truth. The unconscious cannot simply clearly reveal all your mistakes.
3. Symbolic language has many layers of meanings at the same time, and this way it conveys more information and gives you more guidance than just by using simple words.

Therefore, in the beginning you should be a student and learn how to properly interpret your dreams using my simplified version of Carl Jung's method, by writing and comparing your dreams. Later, you won't need to write down your dreams since you'll be able to automatically translate the meaning of the symbols.

This is really the same as learning another language-in the beginning, we don't understand anything but later, all the obscure points become clear and we feel comfortable with it. Then we can use this knowledge and reap its benefits for life.

Of course, you can use it whenever you wish. If you don't want to learn it completely, at least you may consult the glossary and translate the most interesting dreams, which will leave you more intrigued about their meanings. The glossary contains the most significant symbols and their content is essential for your future development.

By regularly interpreting your dreams, you'll overcome your depression and predict the future, change potentially negative outcomes and attain much higher levels of knowledge, allowing you to be courageous and unafraid, unlike right now. You'll see so many possibilities in front of you that you'll find the best solutions for all your problems, whereas now you can only see a wall.

Your dreams are magic - they open up realms to you like windows, showing you other aspects of reality that you ignore or that you should consider.

You become very sensitive and capable of sensing any changes in the environment or in other people's behavior. This is how you start being more intelligent - you start seeing and understanding the truth, you start learning what is behind the reality you see, what causes events to happen and many other things that you cannot imagine, just as a kid who is in elementary school cannot imagine everything that an adult can learn.

This is how knowledge and wisdom will save you from depression and open new horizons in your life, giving you a disposition to live and to learn more and more.

When you analyze your dreams according to my simplified version of the unique method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung, you'll discover who you really are.

I continued Jung's research and more clearly defined the meaning of dream symbols because I discovered what exists in the unknown region of the psychic sphere, whereas he stopped the research at a certain point and neglected too much truth.

Jung's psychology is obscure and complicated, even though it is worthwhile and if someone follows it exactly he or she will find psychological health. However, he is very complicated and difficult to follow and as I said, he did not know everything. Fortunately, I continued the dangerous research that was not carried out by him and I won the fight against schizophrenia in order to teach you everything you must learn in order to keep your mental health forever.

The multidimensional aspect of the dreams indicates that the dreams tell you several things. Your dreams have many dimensions because of the following reasons:

1. They talk about your daily life; this is the daily and common dimension you see everyday.

2. They also talk about your past and what happened before you were born.

3. Then they talk about the future and all the possibilities you have.

4. They give you specific information about you and your psychological state.

5. They also inform you about the entire world and everyone who has an important role in your life.

6. They help you find solutions for all the problems that bother you.

7. They help you discover new formulae and create whatever you desire.

8. They transform you into a wise person with their wisdom.

Therefore, by interpreting your dreams you can solve all the problems of your life! Your dreams can reach all the existent dimensions of your existence.

If you dream about yourself flying in the air, it means that you are detached from reality. For example, if you wanted to buy a new car, this dream would signal that your plans don't have any basis.

If you see a scene that belongs to your past, you may understand why you made a very serious mistake that is making you suffer thus far and how to correct it now and live free of suffering.

You may dream about what your life will be like in old age where things are totally different. Often, you live the future in advance in your dreams or you predict what is going to happen and you can change what doesn't seem positive.

You may dream that you live in your parents' house with your spouse and kids. This signifies that you are not being any different from your parents, i.e., you are repeating their mistakes. Your house represents your psyche. Your mother represents your anti-conscience and your father represents your conscience, which is also absurd because it is based on your ego. The ego is selfish and cruel and it leads to worse craziness.

You have to abandon your parents' house and live free of the influence of these parts of your personality because they dominate you and impede other parts of your psyche. In other words, you have to develop all the facets of your personality and live free from the domination of these negative parts.

If you dream that someone is wearing a mask, it means that you are going to meet an important person in the future whom you don't know yet or that someone very important for you is not perceived by you as being so important now.

With time, you will learn how to automatically translate the dream symbols and images after learning how to translate the dream messages into words that can be understood by your conscience.

When you achieve this, you'll see many other dimensions that you dreams have, which cannot be imagined by your ignorant mind now that you have not yet seen the content of your psyche.

Psychoanalysis, Its Theories and Practical Application (Medicine and Society in America Series)

Dealing with chronic insomnia the natural way

We all know that having a good healthy sleep is really important for functioning properly during the day, and having problems with sleep is likely to cause you hard times both at work and at home. Of course, all of us have hard time falling asleep every now and then, and there’s nothing to worry about here. But if your sleeping problems are persistent it is a cause for being alarmed as your whole lifestyle can be strongly affected. Not having enough rest will strongly influence your ability to solve problems and if it’s required extensively throughout your regular lifestyle chronic insomnia can be a really serious problem.

It is not a big surprise to know that almost all people experience insomnia throughout their lives as this condition is likely to come and go. But about one out of ten people in the general population are known to suffer from chronic sleep disorders. Having a persistent shortage of good sleep is likely to cause depression, mood swings, inability to concentrate, and even hallucinations. It is evident that seeking an effective treatment for such conditions is a must.

In case you rarely have trouble falling asleep and it’s only on occasion then you don’t have insomnia at all. Insomnia is characterized by doctors as having difficulty of falling and staying asleep in three nights during the week, and persisting for more than one month. However, insomnia is more of a symptom rather than a disease on its own. It is not only characterized by having problems with falling or staying asleep, but also being unsatisfied with the quality of sleep. So it’s not about calculating hours required for sleep, but sleeping just the right period of time to feel rested and refreshed.

Luckily, there were numerous studies on how to treat chronic insomnia and there were great developments in this field. First of all, you have to make sure your sleeping environment is suited for healthy sleep. Most people have problems getting asleep in a light and noisy environment, so your bedroom has to be dark and quiet.

In case these simple steps do nothing for improving your sleep, you may want to get additional help with natural remedies, which were popular throughout the ages and are making a comeback right now. There are numerous herbs and homeopathic solutions out there on the market these days that are known to help you fall asleep. Most herbal treatments usually contain herbs like Scuttelaria laterifolia, Hypericum perforatum and Passiflora incarnate, which are known to affect the hormone balance and stabilize sleep cycles.

So if the quality of your sleep has become a major concern for you, try following the natural way of overcoming insomnia before going for the heavy artillery.

How to Cope With Anxiety

When you are dealing with anxiety, the last thing you can think of doing is relaxing. Your mind is telling you that you need to relax, but your fears and your worries and the issue that is stressing you out seems to overwhelming to relax. The fact is that when it comes to anxiety, it almost always starts in our heads first, and it always begins with intrusive or stressful thoughts. Anxiety is not caused by the events or stressful things that happen to us, it is caused by the thought processes we develop when we are exposed to this stress. That being said, if you are struggling with anxiety, take comfort in the fact that you can manage it very effectively if you put your mind to it. Read here to see some powerful coping mechanisms for anxiety, and how treatment and dealing with it is much easier than you may think.

Because the root of anxiety is the process of thoughts we have running in our head, we know that we can take care of anxiety and cope with it better by controlling those thought processes. But we live in a fast paced world where everything is hurry hurry hurry, and stopping to slow down for a minute is harder than we think. When it comes to anxiety however, the sooner you slow down, the sooner you will find those anxiety symptoms begin to ease up. This is a coping means that will take some practice, but once you get it down, dealing with anxiety will be much easier.

When you are exposed to a stressful experience or situation, and you begin to feel those first waves of anxiety and panic, take a big breath and remind yourself your worries are bigger than this problem. Once you believe that, then you know you can get rid of those worries and deal with this problem very easily without panic. This is a tool called mindfulness, and it prevents us from over-reacting and experiencing outbursts or developing anxiety or panic attacks. If for example, you just got an email from your boss for a deadline that has been pushed back an hour, take a big breath and remember that exploding will make this problem worse. Taking that big breath is important, as it will tell your brain that your body is trying to calm down. Now give yourself five minutes to solve this problem, either by calmly letting your boss know that deadline is not possible, or rescheduling your work day accordingly.

At the end of the day, mindfulness is a powerful technique used to effectively cope with anxiety. This is a tool that will take some practice but will be very rewarding with time. Other ways that you can cope with anxiety is to plan a period of time just for you in the day, to do with whatever you please with no interruptions allowed. If stressful events crop up during the day, you can dissuade panic from setting in by reminding yourself your relaxation time and reward will be well enjoyed. If you are finding that even simple changes to your lifestyle are not enough to keep anxiety at bay, you may want to consider stronger treatments such as Valium. Many Americans today are turning to Valium and other anti-anxiety medications to assist them in coping with the stresses and anxiety of our fast paced society. If you have been having problems coping with anxiety, talk to your doctor about what treatment or coping mechanism would be best for you.

Common symptoms of anxiety disorders

People are different and even the same health problems can manifest through different signs from one person to another. Fear and anxiety are quite common in our everyday life. It’s very hard to find a person who never experienced anxiety and worry before an important meeting or exam. Remember your feeling before going to a job interview, or simply walking down a dark street in the middle of the night. Anxiety is the most common companion in such situation and it keeps us on alert for things unexpected.

However, normal anxiety does not pose any interest for mental health specialists. Things get dramatic when the anxiety response occurs for no apparent reason and stays for much longer periods of time than it usually does in normal circumstances. If anxiety becomes frequent in its nature and occurs periodically for a long time, it is automatically transferred to the state of a disorder.

Anxiety disorders are generally described as an overwhelming and periodical feeling of anxiety that occurs in situations that otherwise do not pose any danger, and which is persistent for longer periods of time, interfering with everyday activities. An individual suffering from any form of anxiety disorders is unable to control the feelings of dread, fear and worry. And to add injury to insult, people who suffer from anxiety disorders are usually well aware of the fact that their feelings do not have any logic reasons, but are unable to do anything about it.

The most common forms of anxiety disorders include conditions such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, separation anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, social phobia, selective mutism and various types of specific phobia. Different types of anxiety disorders have different symptoms, and even the same disorder can be described differently by two persons suffering from it.

However, the physical signs of an anxiety disorder are pretty much common for all types of disorders. They are described by the triggering of the flight or fight response and are manifested through increased heart rate, faster breathing, adrenaline rush, hypertension and other symptoms.

People suffering from anxiety disorders usually report the following symptoms associated with their conditions:

- Abdominal discomfort
- Diarrhea
- Dry mouth
- Rapid heartbeat or palpitations
- Tightness or pain in chest
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness
- Frequent urination
- Difficulty swallowing

Psychological symptoms associated with anxiety disorders include:

- Sleep disorders
- Irritability
- Lack of concentration
- Fear of going crazy or dying
- Feeling unreal and not in control of your behavior

If you experience any of these symptoms you might want to address your doctor for a consultation. Even if it’s a sign of anxiety disorder, it doesn’t automatically allow you to take Valium or any other drugs without prescription. Only your doctor can prescribe the right treatment and dosage. Besides drugs like Valium there are other ways to treat anxiety disorders, and your physician will surely help you select the most effective and optimal treatment course for your problem. Any anxiety disorder can be treated, so keep your worries at bay and go to your doctor when you experience any signs of such conditions.

Identify the Risk Factors and Causes of Depression

The causes of depression are varied and complex. While some people can contribute their depression to a single cause, others may find that it is the result of several causes. Still, for some, the causes are never known. Below is a list of contributing factors that can either increase your risk of, or cause, depression (note that these are not listed in any particular order).

Anger turned inward - This can happen when we have the feeling that it is better for us to suffer in silence than offend someone else or make them angry.

Lack of assertiveness - We can get depressed if we end up doing things we do not want to do because we cannot or do not say no. We cannot and should not do everything.

Biological factors – These can include genetic influences or chemical imbalances, in which anti-depressants might help. For other conditions, medications can actually have depressive side effects.

Medical problems – Thyroid illness and other medical problems can cause depression. This can also include sleep problems and/or light deficiency. Consult with your physician about these possibilities.

Addictions – The use of addicting substances can increase your risk of depression, including benzodiazephines, alcohol, stimulants (cocaine, amphetamines), opiates, marijuana and others. Some people turn to alcohol and drugs to lessen their problems, but this only makes them worse.

Comparison to others – Comparing ourselves to others is very dangerous, since we are likely to view ourselves as inferior, or even a failure, when we do so.

Interpersonal connection or being socially withdrawn – We are social beings. Regular contact with others is healthy and part of who we are as humans. We especially need people we can turn to when times are challenging. Also, having marital or relationship problems can make you feel frustrated.

Poor modeling – We see our models growing up; we see their behaviors and we copy them. Therefore, we need to ask if we learned to be depressed by watching others. Those modeled patterns will continue unless we intentionally choose a different path.

Stress versus interpersonal support – Stress can cause unhealthy relationships, thus contributing to depression.

Poor diet and lack of exercise – Inactivity is depressing. Eating well and physical activity are natural anti-depressants and focusing aids. Also, practice good sleep hygiene.

Having excessive high expectations versus reality – When we have excessively high expectations for ourselves, our partners, our children, or our jobs, and when we do not meet our expectations, it can take an emotional toll on us.

Lack of humor or fun – We are all at risk of taking ourselves too seriously. If we are not finding or doing fun things each day, it can negatively affect us.

Lack of job satisfaction – We need to have a sense of being productive and having worth and value. Being trapped in a job we do not like can be depressive.

Financial stress or job loss – Financial strains, burdens and debt can wear on us emotionally and can result in an enormous amount of stress.

Deficits in our ability to find gratitude – This includes a lack of skills in seeking gratitude, thankfulness, contentment, satisfaction, joy and others.

Unresolved issues of grief and loss – It is not uncommon for bereaved individuals to become depressed. Holidays and anniversaries, in particular, serve as reminders of our loss, and many people experience a deepening of their grief at these times.

Lack of meaning and purpose – We all need to have meaning and purpose in our lives.

Sense of being overwhelmed or defeated by life – We get dis-“couraged” or come to lack courage or confidence or vision; this could have something to do with expectations, meaning and purpose, our values, or a number of things.

Trauma and abuse issues – Depression can some times point to a need to deal with and resolve past traumas.

Our values are not matching our actions – Sometimes we get caught up in doing things or pursuing things in life that are not consistent with what we truly believe is right and good.

Others – This could be any other contributor or anything going on uniquely with you, and not mentioned above.

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Signs, Symptoms And Treatment For Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Usually, TB is caused by bacteria that spreads to the lungs and infects that area. It can easily be spread from person to person as it is carried in air droplets and when a person sneezes or coughs, the droplets fly out of the mouth and can infect another person. This is the primary version of TB. Most of the time, people will recover from this kind of TB, particularly in the US.

When one is elderly or an infant, or someone with a very weak immune system, such as someone who has AIDS or is on chemotherapy, has diabetes, has a much higher chance of contracting it. And some people have it but it stays dormant for years and does not show up till years later. If you are in contact with people who have it or if you have a poor and unhealthy diet, then you have a higher chance of getting it. Also if you live in a very crowded area, you might also be affected with the disease. And in the entire population at large, if there is a height of HIV infections and an increase of impoverished peoples, then TB will be more likely, as well.
Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Adult. Its Fundamental Aspects.

Some symptoms of the disease are the coughing, coughing up of blood, as well as some excess night sweats. Fatigue and lethargy will accompany a fever and you might lose lots of weight, too, if you have the disease. You will also find that it is very hard to breathe and your chest will hurt and you will wheeze and gasp for air, too. There are many different ways to diagnose the disease, such as seeing if there are enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, fluid in the lung, and crackling kind of breathing. The doctor may perform a biopsy of affected areas or even a chest CT scan or x-ray to see what is going on in your lungs. You can also have a skin test, that can determine if you have it as well. When the results come in, the doctor can gauge what part of the disease you are currently in and various treatment options are available such as rifampin and isoniazid, two drugs that are administered to help with fighting and vanquishing the TB bacteria. Both pyrazinamide and ethambutol are also drugs that are being given fight it, as they have been tested in labs as being great agents in fighting it.

However, it is very important to take all the pills given and to make sure that no matter how many are required, none are skipped or forgotten. When people forget to take some, it begins harder to fight the bacteria and then the disease remains in the body and then become resistant and then no longer can be eliminated from the body. Sometimes a health care provider or home nurse is needed to make sure that the patient takes all the medicine given, for it is essential that the medication is not forsaken and that it is consumed on a regular and diligent basis.

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Busy Parent's Guide to Smart Babies

The first years of life lay the neurological foundation for intellectual growth into adolescence and adulthood. This time represents a unique window of opportunity for learning. From the moment of conception, the neurons (nerve cells) of the brain multiply faster than any other cells in a baby's body. The rapid pace of brain development continues into early childhood: at birth, the brain weighs 25 percent of its adult weight; by age one, 50 percent; by age two, 75 percent; and by age three, 90 percent.

The brain has approximately 200 billion neurons. A long-held theory that no new neurons can be created in adulthood was recently overturned - although some scientists dispute the new findings. In any case, the prenatal period is when the vast majority of the brain's neurons are created.

Each of the brain's neurons is connected to roughly 5,000 others. In general, the more dendrites (branches between neurons) and synapses (connections between neurons) the brain has, the greater its processing power. More pathways mean information can travel in a number of ways, opening the door to faster and more complex thinking.

This is true in the adult, but not in the infant. Your baby's brain actually has more neurons and synapses than yours - but only because it hasn't passed an important developmental stage, known as pruning, in which the brain deletes unneeded neural connections in the interests of organization and efficiency.

What can I do during pregnancy?

Your baby's sense of hearing finishes developing 20 weeks into pregnancy. So this is the time to begin providing auditory stimulation. At around 28 weeks, you and your partner should be able to feel your baby's movements through Mom's tummy. This is the time to begin tactile stimulation. You can also try visual stimulation starting from around 28 weeks.

Auditory Stimulation

*Use Baby Plus if you can afford it.
*Play relaxing music - classical, jazz, chill-out and songs designed for meditation or yoga are all suitable. Avoid hard rock and music with a lot of dissonant chords.
*Read, talk and sing to your baby as often as possible (Dad as well as Mom).

Tactile Stimulation

*Massage your baby through Mom's belly.
*Respond to your baby's kicks by pressing back gently.

Visual Stimulation

*Try shining a flashlight at your belly, once in a while, to see if it gets a reaction.

Optimize Your Mood

*Mom, try to be as calm and happy as possible. Your mood has a direct effect on the chemicals secreted into your bloodstream. Too much cortisol (the stress hormone) is bad for your baby's developing nervous system.
*Plan some fun, relaxing couple time - a gentle hike or trip to the beach; a meal at your favorite restaurant or a hotel stay. If you can, go on a babymoon during the second trimester, when moms tend to have the most energy.

Optimize Your Diet

*Eat a healthy, balanced and varied diet.
*Don't take over-the-counter or prescription drugs without your obstetrician's approval.
*Don't drink alcohol, or keep it to one small measure of wine or beer on very special occasions.
*Don't smoke or take recreational drugs.
*Take folic acid (starting from one month before conception) and DHA supplements.

Facts About Asthma

Depending on the frequency of systems, asthma is thus diagnosed. So, if you have about two per week, then that is considered intermittent asthma and more than two per week is considered mild persistent, daily asthma is moderately persistent and severe persistent asthma is when it affects you all day. Many factors can cause and exacerbate asthma, such as in bronchial asthma, it is exercise induced and an inflammatory disorder that causes much coughing and trouble breathing.

Usually, asthma is caused by inflammation in the airways that cause all of the nearby muscles to become very tight and swelling the air passage lining. Thus, the amount of air that can travel through is severely limited and breathing becomes highly difficult. For many other people, there are so many other things that can set off and trigger asthma, such as animals and their pet hair, like cats, and dogs, and rats, and other kinds of animals with hair that sheds, even horses and sometimes birds. Dust in the air or on shelves or floating outside or in a musty room can really make asthma worse, as well as weather changes, like the air turning very cold can trigger asthma too and make it hard to breathe.

Chemicals that are in the air such as gasoline or pollution, other toxins released, or even chemicals present in food and beverages can make asthma much worse as well. As mentioned, exercise can have that effect, too, and so can mold left on moldy bread or in the walls or in a damp place, or pollen released from flowers or found in gardens, can have an effect on inducing an attack. If the person already has an infection there, like a cold, asthma will be thus more triggered and the smoke of passing cigarette smokers and exhaust from cars can also cause it. And finally, things like stress, anger, sadness, or any other extremity of an emotion can also trigger it. In fact, in some patients, some aspirins and other drugs can also have an effect.

Most patients have some symptoms that are not too terrible, such as shortness of breath, some wheezing that comes once in a while and usually goes away on its own, or is triggered by heartburn or exercise. These symptoms are not too dangerous and can still be handled functionally. But, there are some emergent symptoms that require immediate help, such as the lips and face turning a bluish color, some really difficult time breathing, extreme sweating, a rapid pulse, and some extreme anxiety, as well. In these cases a hospital visit might be needed as the person will be gasping for air. An inhaler is needed in these cases, too, to help the person breathe.

Basically, asthma is treated when the causes are determined. A doctor will perform tests to see what things affect the patient the most, whether it be bugs, pollen, or a variety of other things, determined through blood tests and x-rays, and then those things will be avoided and there will be drugs administered to help with daily symptoms.
Facts about controlling your asthma (SuDoc HE 20.3218:AS 8)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Serious Cervical Cancer Stages and Treatments

Serious cases of cervical cancer can be successfully treated, although it is best to catch cervical cancer early. The best way to do this is with regular, routine and periodic paps tests. In the invasive stage more drastic measures need to be taken to stop the spread of cancer and even in this case if the cancer has not moved beyond the cervics there is nearly a 90% rate of survival. Forty years ago we couldn’t say that, so things have come along way. By getting paps tests abnormal cells are found early and removed or treated very easily.

There are many ways used to treat later stage cervical cancer. Hysterectomy surgery in the invasive stages is one of the more popular ways to treat cervical cancer and is used often inn younger women, because it preserve the ovaries. Hysterectomy removes the uterus and cervix thus removing the cancer in the process. Hysterectomies in more serious cases include removing part of the vagina, cervix, uterus as well as any lumph nodes in the region.

Radical trachelectomy can be another method used to preserve fertility, this would remove the cervix and lower part of the uterus, but the rest of the uterus is left for bearing the fetus. Lymph nodes are also removed in the pelvis and there is further surveillance to see if cancer has spread. Chemotherapy anti cancer drugs can also be used to enter the patients bloodstream which can increase the effects of radiation to treat cervical cancer. Radiation treatment is also possible to shrink the tumors killing the cancer cells. This prevents the cancer cells from reproducing.

The less serious cases are treated with a simple hysterectomy or radical trachelectomy, which would first choice in invasive stages. Sometimes in later stages a combination of any of these will be used. If you have periodic paps tests you can prevent this level of treatment and even if you have to go through any of these levels of treatment you most likely will end up a cancer survivor like Lance Armstrong. So talk with your doctor, stay informed, do your own research and think on this.

Signs And Treatment Of Ovarian Cancer

Cancer is a very efficient and skilled silent killer. There are various types of cancer in fact, and these cancers are nothing but a condition in which the cells multiply in an uncontrollable manner forming masses of cells called tumors.

Ovarian cancer is associated with women and it is a very dangerous situation. Ovaries are the most important reproductive organ in any women. These ovaries produce eggs or ova and are passed through the fallopian tubes to the uterus where these eggs are fertilized by sperms, if any sperms are available at that time. Ovary cancer affects these ovaries. Let us take a look at some of the signs and treatments usually done for ovarian cancer.

Let us always keep in mind that cancer is not like common cold and can’t be treated in that way. Some cancers show signs at a very early stage whereas some show signs only at a later stage. Usually there are no specific signs just for ovary cancer. Signs usually show up at a later stage and these signs are also associated with many other medical situations. So it is pretty tough to draw out conclusions when you face certain symptoms. At a beginning stage ovary cancer remains silent and signs start popping out only when the tumor has got big enough to affect other parts of the body as well.

The only earlier symptom known to be associated with ovarian cancer is the irregularity of menstrual cycles. Later symptoms include excessive pain or pressure in the pelvic area. You might feel terrible pain while having intercourse; a slight swelling of lower abdomen is also a symptom at a later stage, feeling of fullness and an urge to urinate frequently, constipation is another situation associated with ovary cancer at a later stage.

Nausea and also vomiting is noted at a later stage, frequent diarrhea and forming gas, abdominal pain due to fluids formed and etc. These signs however show up at a later stage and one might mistake these symptoms for some minor health issues. Always get a check up when you come across any symptoms; a stitch in time always saves nine.

Treatment of ovarian cancer is usually chemotherapy and surgery. In the early stages only the ovary infected with cancer cells and that particular fallopian tubes will be removed. But if the stage worsens, even the uterus will have to be removed along with ovary and fallopian tubes. The preventive techniques are basically stopping ovulation or preventing ovulation, like taking birth control pills, getting pregnant so often, tying the fallopian tubes. However these are not 100 percent guaranteed preventive measure.

Keep a check on your health from time to time. If there are any symptoms that show up frequently then get it clarified. Regular full body checkups can be of great help as you can figure out things that go around in your body. Health is always wealth, so try to always save some budget for your health and always keep you health insurance valid. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy.

You should consider taking regular workouts and a proper routine that your body will find peace with. If everything goes well you can stay away from such situations to a great extent. Ovarian cancer is a dangerous situation, and make sure you do everything from your side to prevent it.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Diabetic Treatment; Beware the Diabetic Diet Myths

Diabetics can go on the Internet and get an amazing amount of information to help them control their disease. Unfortunately, many urban legends or myths surround this disease, which interferes with those seeking to manage it properly.

Here are some of the most common diabetic diet myths.

Myth - 1 Diabetics cannot eat carbohydrates
False. Most dieticians recommend that Type 2 diabetics eat carbohydrates daily. Legumes, whole wheat breads, rice, pasta and cereal are all essential to a healthy diabetic diet. In fact, most dieticians recommend that 25% of your diet contain carbohydrates in your caloric intake. Sugar is also a carbohydrate that is packed with calories and should be kept to a minimum.

Myth - 2 Diabetes is contagious, passed by sharing food or drink
Diabetes comes primarily from two sources - a genetic pre-disposition, inherited from your parents or excessive weight gain, which triggers high blood sugar levels, creating a diabetic condition.

Myth - 3 Diabetics can't eat sugar
False. Diabetics can eat sugared products, such as candy, cookies and other sweets. But, they need to eat them in moderation. As previously stated, sugar is a calorie dense carbohydrate and should be kept to a minimum in diabetic diets. Sugar substitutes should be used where possible.

Myth - 4 Diabetic food must be a part of a healthy diet
False. Diabetic food is not necessary. What is necessary is that you eat a healthy diet, that's low in fat and moderate, as previously mentioned, in sugar intake. In fact, most experts agree that there is no such thing as a "diabetic diet", but just follow healthy eating guidelines, as most people should follow, and you'll be healthier

Myth - 5 Diabetics cannot drink alcohol
Partly true. Check first with your doctor as wine, beer and other alcoholic beverages can interfere with medications.

Myth - 6 Diabetics should not snack between meals
False. Eating between meals can help prevent over-eating at mealtime or binging on food. Healthy snacks, such as low sugar apples, are a great way to keep calories down and keep blood sugar in check.

Myth - 7 Diabetics should eat a lot of protein
False. There is no evidence to support the fact that diabetics need more proteins than non-diabetics. 5-6 ounces of protein per day, or meat portions in the size of two decks of playing cards is sufficient.

Myth - 8 Diabetics can eat fat because it doesn't affect blood sugar levels
False. Diabetics should not eat fat. Although it doesn't affect blood sugar level, heart disease is the number one complication caused by diabetes, so fat levels should be kept at a minimum.

It should also be noted that most physicians and dieticians believe that there is no such thing as a "diabetic diet". Healthy eating is the key to controlling weight and blood sugar levels.

One of the best tips we've found to control weight and, in turn, control blood sugar, is to look closely at your current diet.

Make a list of the 10 top high calorie foods you eat on a regular basis. Every week, take out one of those foods from your diet. By the end of ten weeks you'll be surprised how much weight you've lost.

Incidentally, if you're drinking soda, you should stop. Non-diet sodas contain a high level of calories. Many people have a 5-10 sodas a day habit, that's putting on a tremendous amount of weight.

Plus, the sweeteners most often used in sodas, high fructose corn syrup (not sugar, which is generally not used in sodas) has been found to drain chromium from your system. Chromium, a trace mineral that helps to regulate your body's blood sugar levels, is depleted from your system, triggering spikes in blood sugar.

ProvenResultsHealth Learn more about how natural, herbal ingredients can help diabetics by promoting normal blood sugar levels, healthy body weight BMI, proper insulin function. 866-784-1303

Ways to Lose Weight Quickly in Fitness Camps

Almost everything that we do today is accomplished with the touch of a button. There is hardly any physical activity involved. Also the diet that is integrated into our system today is not helping the cause. Most of the stuff that we are eating is either deep fried in oil or is filled with fats that add on to our body mass. When we are not performing any physical activity, all this fat is unused and stored in our body.

As a result, we start gaining weight and lose our shape. This is where fitness camps come in. If we want to get back in shape in a short period of time then fitness camps are the best options. You might think of dieting or joining a gym. All this might work but they require a lot of commitment from your side. Also many today do not have the time to join a gym or cannot just afford to keep their minds on a diet. Therefore you need to be in an environment which motivates you to exercise and to keep fit. A fitness camp is just that environment that will get you the results that you are looking for with a personal trainer who would take care of your needs.

There are many people who avoid fitness camps. This is because these camps have been stereotyped as being militaristic and hard on people. However, this is a very wrong notion. Gone are the days when fitness camps used to be a punishment for people who were overweight. Nowadays, these camps are not just meant for people who are overweight but for anyone that is looking to get in shape. These camps are often held at exotic locations that can be compared to a holiday resort.

You will be put in groups that are best suited to your needs. Complete with aerobics, spa treatment, Jacuzzi and other body therapy, your body will be put through a state of relaxation that will help you rejuvenate yourself and make sure that you are ready for the day’s workout.

It is another myth again that you are pushed to your limits and worked out to your bone in fitness camps. It is true that you are going to be working hard but no one is going to force you to work hard. You will work hard with your own motivation and at your own pace.

You will have a fitness coach with you who will work with you and support your regime. You will be self motivated to lose weight and work extra hard so that you get back in shape. This is the secret as to why weight loss camps today are so successful in helping people lose weight.

Foods that Loves Your Liver,what can I eat during liver disease?

The liver is the "quiet authority", not rebels, and was largely ignored until something goes seriously wrong.

The physiological function of the liver

The liver is the largest gland in the human body and also the only internal organ that can regenerate. The liver has many important functions, and most important is the secretion of bile. Bile is stored in the gall bladder and secreted during digestion. This liquid is essential for the degradation of fats and helps in the absorption of fat-soluble substances, including fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E and K. It is known for the role of bile in assimilation of calcium, and the conversion of beta carotene into vitamin A.

The absorption of nutrients takes place as part of a large participation of the liver. All substances that enter the body come into the liver, where it is divided into toxins and other molecules. The powerful detoxifying the liver converts the drugs and toxins in the molecule that can be eliminated from the body through the kidneys (urine) or intestines (feces). The liver is responsible for the synthesis of most proteins that circulate in the blood and an organ which plays a key role in regulating blood sugar levels. Body needs glucose recorded in the liver and glucose provides an organism digestion of food or decomposition of glycogen - the storage of sugar in the liver and muscles.

Risk factors that should be noted

1. Smoking. The negative effects of cigarette smoke on lung unfair to say much more than the effects of smoking on the liver. Cigarette smoke is rich in toxic compounds - benzapirenom, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, cyanide, tar, acetaldehyde, acrolein, etc. All these compounds are due in the blood of smokers, and the task of the liver is the detoxification of each compound. 'll admit that the task is not easy.

2. Poisons. Traces of pesticides in food accumulate in the liver and can cause chronic liver damage. It is very important to thoroughly monitor the food treated with pesticides, to avoid undesirable toxic compounds. Insecticides and additives also should be avoided.

3. Oral contraceptives. Liver of a woman who has a lack of vitamin B group and / or protein becomes more difficult in non-toxic form of estrogen - estriol, and stays in shape for the liver toxic estradiol. Elevated levels of estradiol associated with emotional disorders, such as unstable mood, and obsessive - compulsive behavior.

4. Drugs. Medication burdens the liver, since they represent the unnatural substances in the body. These substances are forcing the liver to the “overtime”, and are recommended for selective access to medicines.

Foods that loves our liver

The liver is in constant interplay with organs such as kidneys, gall bladder, thyroid, pancreas, and the lower part of the digestive system. It is therefore important to ensure a diet that will act favorably on all the internal organs, and the systematic human health. For liver health is unusually important proper kidney function, and it is appropriate to the diet to include fruits and vegetables rich in potassium, like bananas, almonds, tomatoes, raisins, plums, and provide daily required amount of water (1-2 liters daily). The traditional approach of "cleaning" the liver is regularly drinking vegetable juices such as carrot, beetroot, radicchio and dandelion.

Nature was very generous when it came to his fingers, kidneys, eyes ..., but we are unfortunately not endowed with a spare liver. Liver disease can be found at the tenth place when talking about the causes of death, and therefore deserves much more attention than it currently pays. The liver is the "quiet authority", not rebels, and was largely ignored until something goes seriously wrong.

The physiological function of the liver

The liver is the largest gland in the human body and also the only internal organ that can regenerate. The liver has many important functions, and most important is the secretion of bile. Bile is stored in the gall bladder and secreted during digestion. This liquid is essential for the degradation of fats and helps in the absorption of fat-soluble substances, including fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E and K. It is known for the role of bile in assimilation of calcium, and the conversion of beta carotene into vitamin A.

The absorption of nutrients takes place as part of a large participation of the liver. All substances that enter the body come into the liver, where it is divided into toxins and other molecules. The powerful detoxifying the liver converts the drugs and toxins in the molecule that can be eliminated from the body through the kidneys (urine) or intestines (feces). The liver is responsible for the synthesis of most proteins that circulate in the blood and an organ which plays a key role in regulating blood sugar levels. Body needs glucose recorded in the liver and glucose provides an organism digestion of food or decomposition of glycogen - the storage of sugar in the liver and muscles.

Risk factors that should be noted

1. Smoking. The negative effects of cigarette smoke on lung unfair to say much more than the effects of smoking on the liver. Cigarette smoke is rich in toxic compounds - benzapirenom, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, cyanide, tar, acetaldehyde, acrolein, etc. All these compounds are due in the blood of smokers, and the task of the liver is the detoxification of each compound. 'll admit that the task is not easy.

2. Poisons. Traces of pesticides in food accumulate in the liver and can cause chronic liver damage. It is very important to thoroughly monitor the food treated with pesticides, to avoid undesirable toxic compounds. Insecticides and additives also should be avoided.

3. Oral contraceptives. Liver of a woman who has a lack of vitamin B group and / or protein becomes more difficult in non-toxic form of estrogen - estriol, and stays in shape for the liver toxic estradiol. Elevated levels of estradiol associated with emotional disorders, such as unstable mood, and obsessive - compulsive behavior.

4. Drugs. Medication burdens the liver, since they represent the unnatural substances in the body. These substances are forcing the liver to the “overtime”, and are recommended for selective access to medicines.

Foods that loves our liver

The liver is in constant interplay with organs such as kidneys, gall bladder, thyroid, pancreas, and the lower part of the digestive system. It is therefore important to ensure a diet that will act favorably on all the internal organs, and the systematic human health. For liver health is unusually important proper kidney function, and it is appropriate to the diet to include fruits and vegetables rich in potassium, like bananas, almonds, tomatoes, raisins, plums, and provide daily required amount of water (1-2 liters daily). The traditional approach of "cleaning" the liver is regularly drinking vegetable juices such as carrot, beetroot, radicchio and dandelion.